Camiguin was originally located in Suriago near Lake Mainit. During said epoch, however a powerful encanto (minor diety of spirit ) named Hibok-Hibok was angered by the noise from his encanto neighbors prompting him to transfer his landed territory from Surigao out into the Mindanao Sea. Hibok-Hiboks bold move resulted in fighting which consists of throwing large rocks at each other across several kilometers of open sea that stand between Camiguin and Surigao. Two of those rocks aimed at Hibok-Hibok fell short which now form islets called Mantigue (now Magsaysay) and white (now Medano) islands. It is believed that someday Hibok-Hibok may make peace with his old encanto neighbors in Surigao and return with Camiguin Island to take Mainit. If this happens, what will remain will be the two tiny islands and the memory that in said area there once existed a Paradise Island.
The name Camiguin was derived from a native word Kamagong, a name of tree of ebony family which grows near Lake Mainit. Its original inhabitants were Manobos who migrated from Surigao. The dialect of Camiguin is called KINAMIGIN and is very much similar with the tribal dialect of Surigao.